News Briefs

19 November 2024

Airbus, Boeing and Gulfstream--Year-End 2024 Delivery Adjustments

Author: Bruce McClelland, Drawn From: World Military & Civil Aircraft Briefing

With nine months of deliveries on the books, Airbus’s 2024 delivery target of 770 is looking a little shaky. In the first nine months of 2023, Airbus delivered 488 aircraft, and their total-year deliveries were 735. So far in 2024, Airbus has delivered 497 aircraft, nine more than last year’s nine-month total. Assuming the same torrid delivery pace in the final quarter of 2024 as was experienced in 2023, that suggests that Airbus is actually on track to deliver just 747 aircraft this year.

03 October 2024

F-35: How Many Will Be Built? Production Rate Forecast UPDATE

Author: J.J. Gertler, Drawn From: World Military & Civil Aircraft Briefing

After more than a year without deliveries as Lockheed Martin worked to get the Block 4 software to a final release standard, the JPO relented on its position that they would only accept completed jets. Beginning in July 2024, Lockheed can now go to DD 215 sign-off with F-35s that have Technical Refresh 3 but not a final version of the software. According to LM Aeronautics CEO Greg Ulmer, Lockheed has already begun to ship US aircraft with version 351 Block 4 software and will follow with updated versions of international “353” software in late August.

19 September 2024

Russian Loitering Munitions Market

Author: Steven J. Zaloga, Drawn From: World Missiles & UAV Briefing

Both Russia and Ukraine have been making extensive use of loitering munitions during the current war. Russia has made extensive use of FPV (First Person View) loitering munitions since 2023. These are generally based on small, cheap commercial racing drones fitted with a small warhead. Russia began using FPV kamikaze drones in small numbers in July 2022. Use of these drones ramped up in response to Ukrainian attacks with 125 sorties in July 2023, 247 in August, 553 in September, 474 in October and 625 in November 2023.

30 July 2024

UAV/Drone SIGINT & ECM Systems Market

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) has become not only a primary focus of electronic warfare (EW) over the past decade or two, but it now garners genuine “A-list” funding for UAVs as well as manned airborne platforms. SIGINT had a relatively low profile among manned EW programs in the Cold War, while jammers and radar and missile warning systems received most of the attention and funding. But that changed with the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the threat continues today from non-state actors worldwide – new geographies of conflict resulted in changing needs.

10 October 2024

Boeing Strike Delays Deliveries Further

Author: Bruce McClelland, Drawn From: World Military & Civil Aircraft Briefing

The magic word recently is STRIKE! Not just one, but two. As has been widely reported, 33,000 Boeing factory workers in the Puget Sound area (as well as some in Portland) went on strike on the 12th of September shutting down production of the 737, 767 and 777 models. Then, on September 23rd, 5,000 Textron workers in Wichita, affecting the Cessna and Beechcraft lines of aircraft. As of the end of the month, neither of the strikes had been resolved.

25 September 2024

Aircraft deliveries trimmed again

Author: Bruce McClelland, Drawn From: World Military & Civil Aircraft Briefing

While there has been plenty in the Commercial Aviation space to talk about (see below), we want to start the missive with our latest feature, our Commercial Aircraft Fleet Development Forecast. Astute readers may already have seen glimpses of these in our annually updated commercial aircraft reports that have been issued since June, and which we will add to the rest of the reports as they come up for updating over the course of the next 11 months.

17 September 2024

Ukranian Loitering Munitions Market

Author: Steven J. Zaloga, Drawn From: World Missiles & UAV Briefing

The current war in Ukraine involves the most extensive use of drones to date, and the first widespread use of loitering munitions. The most widespread of these is the use of small, cheap FPV (First Person View) drones. FPV drones are an adaptation of commercial drones used for the sport of drone racing. They use a simplified optical sensor that has little or no traverse, keeping the price to a minimum. The FPVs have become so common that the Ukrainians have been using them to attack individual Russian soldiers as well as more substantial targets such as tanks.

16 July 2024

UAV/Drone Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Market

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

UAV SAR funding more than quadrupled over the decade from 2005-2015. Before that, the only major program was RDT&E funding for the large MP-RTIP (Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program) radar for the Block 40 Global Hawk. Then, not only did US Air Force MP-RTIP production end prematurely with a truncated eleven-radar procurement, but the Air Force planned to “divest” the entire Block 40 Global Hawk fleet. Most thought this was as unlikely to happen as the USAF threat to mothball the Block 30 fleet.

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