News Briefs

18 December 2019

Conventional Prompt Strike Missile Program

Author: Steven J. Zaloga, Drawn From: World Missiles & UAV Briefing

Navy Starts Conventional Prompt Strike Missile Program Evidence of the growing Pentagon interest in hypersonic missiles, several exploratory programs have been shifted into engineering development over the past year. In 2019, DARPA relinquished control over the Conventional Prompt Global Strike program, with the effort transferred to the Navy’s Strategic Systems Program.

21 November 2019

Global Competitors Agressively Pursue Civil UAS Market

Drawn From: Defense & Aerospace Companies Briefing

Global Competitors Agressively Pursue Civil UAS Market

In terms of aerospace, the market for civil UAS promises to be one of the most dynamic growth sectors for the next decade, emerging from a $5 billion annual market in 2019 to almost triple to $14.5 billion by 2028. That represents a 12.5% compound annual growth rate in constant dollars. Over the next 10 years the market totals $97.6 billion.

02 September 2019

Littoral Combat Ship

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

The US Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) has been designed to operate one of three major interchangeable Mission Modules (MM) or Mission Packages (MP): Mine Countermeasures (MCM), Surface Warfare (SUW), and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW). Mission modules include weapons and sensors launched and recovered from LCS seaframes and operated from MH-60 helicopters and Fire Scout VTUAVs.

10 July 2019

The Future of Japan’s Fighter Industry

Drawn From: World Military & Civil Aircraft Briefing

Last year, Japan upped its order for F-35s from 42 planes to 147 (making it the biggest single export customer), it also proposed shutting down the Mitsubishi FACO (Final Assembly and Check Out) line, along, presumably, with the associated component assembly arrangements.

25 November 2019

Raytheon’s Airborne FLIR Sensor Ball Systems

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

Teal Group’s Military Electronics Briefing covers a multitude of Raytheon’s primary airborne FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) sensor ball systems for helicopters and slow-flying fixed wing aircraft, including UAVs. Recent updates include the AN/AAS-44 MTS/MTS-N & AAS-52 MTS-A & DAS-1/4 MTS-B & AAS-53/DAS-2 CSP Multi-spectral Targeting Systems, as well as speculative forecasts for MTS/CSP-scale Future MALE UAV EO/IR Sensors and Future Manned EO/IR Sensors

30 October 2019

Electronics Key to Military UAV Growth

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

Teal’s 2019/2020 study provides forecasts for a wide range of UAV payloads, including Electro-Optical/Infrared Sensors (EO/IR), Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs), SIGINT and EW Systems, and C4I Systems, forecast to grow in overall value from $5.5 billion in FY19 to $8.3 billion in FY28. Steady growth will occur in the “default sensor” EO/IR market, following a funding downturn in recent years as several legacy endurance UAV sensor programs ended.

10 August 2018

Space Launches: By the Numbers

Author: Marco A. Cáceres, Drawn From: World Space Systems Briefing

The total number of rockets launched in 2018 is 112, including the three failed launches. That’s an increase of 19.6% over 2017, and it is the first time in the past quarter of a century that the number has surpassed 100. For most of the last 25 years, the number of attempted launches ranged between 55-90 annually.

02 April 2019

End of MH-60R Seahawk and AN/APS-153 Radar Procurement could see Telephonics Acquired and End Competitive U.S. Radar Market

Author: Dr. David L. Rockwell, Drawn From: Military Electronics Briefing

In March 2019 in the US Navy’s FY20 budget, the MH-60R Seahawk Multi-Mission Maritime Helicopter was stated to be the primary ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) sensor in the Carrier Strike Group. But despite its crucial importance, production for the US Navy will be ending soon, and some electronics suppliers face an uncertain future. There may soon be no companies left outside the “Big Three” of Raytheon, Northrop, and Lockheed to maintain a competitive military radar market.

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