
Is Boeing Flying Through a Thundercloud?

Is Boeing Flying Through a Thundercloud?

A Boeing company executive told Reuters that it’s making less EA-18G military aircraft until Congress increases the orders. In fact, after 2016 the company plans to shut down the St. Louis production line of F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and EA-18G Growlers. This could affect Boeing’s operating results as sizable part of the revenue is derived from the U.S. government. Also, according to aviation analyst Richard Aboulafia, another essential factor that’s having a bearing on Boeing’s defense arm is Lockheed Martin‘s top fighter aircraft, the F-35, which is endangering the existence of Boeing’s F-15, F-18, and C-17.

Tags Boeing Media Outlet: The Motley Fool Categories: Teal Group In The Media, Richard L. Aboulafia

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