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Civil UAS Market Profile & Forecast
The market for civil UAS promises to be one of the most dynamic aerospace growth sectors for the next decade, emerging from a $8.2 billion market (value of air vehicles) in 2023 to more than double that to $19.5 billion by 2032.
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World Aero Markets Overview

Teal Group’s latest aircraft production forecast indicates consistent improvement for many segments. Read our analysts' assessment, available as a free PDF download.:

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Military UAS Market Profile & Forecast
UAS procurement spending will increase from the current worldwide level of almost $10.6 billion annually in 2021 to $13 billion in 2030, totaling $123.1 billion over the next ten years. Military UAS research spending would add another $64.5 billion over the decade.
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Teal Group Expands Analyst Team
Exciting changes are taking place on our team of analysts. Given the increasing demand for more depth of market coverage, Teal Group is dedicating individual analysts to both the military and civil sides of the global aircraft market.
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  • Welcome To Teal Group
  • Civil UAS Market Profile & Forecast
  • World Aero Markets Overview
  • Military UAS Market Profile & Forecast
  • Teal Group Expands Analyst Team
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Featured: Annual Sector Studies


2023/2024 World Military UAS

This annual sector study allows clients to identify lucrative potential business opportunities in the increasingly dynamic international military UAS market. 

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2023/2024 World Civil UAS

This annual sector study focuses on lucrative business opportunities in the emerging civil government and commercial UAS market. 

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News Briefs

  • Boeing Strike Delays Deliveries Further

    Bruce McClelland, 10 October 2024

    The magic word recently is STRIKE! Not just one, but two. As has been widely reported, 33,000 Boeing factory workers in the Puget Sound area (as well as some in Portland) went on strike on the 12th of September shutting down production of the 737, 767 and 777 models. Then, on September 23rd, 5,000 Textron workers in Wichita, affecting the Cessna and Beechcraft lines of aircraft. As of the end of the month, neither of the strikes had been resolved.

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Your Source For Aerospace & Defense Industry Market Analysis

Our team of experienced analysts covers a diverse range of markets, including aircraft, engines (industrial and marine gas turbines), military electronics, missiles and smart munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and space systems (satellites and launch vehicles) and spaceports.

We also cover these markets from a more general perspective, looking at countries, companies, and US government agencies. Our analysts are sought out by government, the business community, and the media for their independent insights and forecasts. Our clients trust that they will always receive thoughtful and personalized service

March 13, 2023
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Worldwide Mission Model Counts 42,067 Space Payloads Through 2032